12 Useful Infographics to Improve Your Photoshop Knowledge

As a designer, Photoshop is one of your preferred tools. And it’s also the premiere graphic editing program used by designers all over the world. And to help you learn more about photoshop and improve your knowledge, here we have 12 helpful and useful infographics that related with photoshop.
We are know infographics are one of the best way to represent the information in a compact and creative approach, so they are able to quickly convey knowledge and engage its viewers. Enjoy!
Crooked Stats Infographic Kit

A stats infographic kit that will enable you to use visual representations of information and data to present complex information quickly and clearly. It comes in dark and light variations totaling 400+ vector elements across the board ready to help you with your next presentation.
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The Evolution of Photoshop Infographic
What’s new in Photoshop CS6? [infographic]