Gaban Single Page Personal Portfolio Template (HTML/CSS) – Free!

Today, OmahPSD is proud to present: Gaban, a Creative Single Page Portfolio Template with clean design, minimalistic and fully responsive. That you can download for free!
A perfect theme for creating your own portfolio and show off your creative works.
And since this is a free template so we really apologize we can’t give you support.
Here the Gaban Theme features:
Fullscreen Header Background
Your header is the most important section, so we make it very simple…just – Your name and your service with the fullscreen background.
Fully Responsive
Gaban comes with fully responsive and mobile optimized, so your website will be ready for those mobile visitors, it will look great and will be a breeze to read on mobile phones and desktop computers alike.
Simple Portfolio and Filterable
Gaban comes with very simple design portfolio section, to showcase your awesome works.
Also, it have cool modal window to enlarge the portfolio content.
More Features
- Unique design with minimalism at it’s best
- Filterable portfolio
- Powered by Bootstrap 3.0 responsive, mobile first framework
- Fullscreen BG image with Parallax
- On scroll effect
- Google Fonts
- Font Awesome icons
Download the Template for free:
Download “Gaban - Single Page HTML Template” – Downloaded 50366 times – 1.51 MBLicense
Feel free to download and use this template for both personal and commercial projects with or without attribution. Also you may not distribute this template for download on other websites or resell it! Promotion is always appreciated, but please send people to this page.
This template has used the following images, icons or other files as listed:
- Header image –
- Icon Font/fontawesome –
- jQuery Plugin: prettyPhoto –
- Bootstrap CSS Framework –
- jQuery –
- IE9.js – Project Hosting on Google Code:
- ‘VarelaRound-Regular.ttf’ – Google Fonts
Your Turn
Be sure to drop us a line and let us know what you think of this template. Your comments are greatly appreciated!
And don’t forget to Like our Facebook page or Follow us on Twitter to keep update.
We hope you enjoy this freebie and find it useful!