Material Icons Library (1000+ Icons, 3 Styles) icons.pixsellz.io
Introduce Material Icons Library by Pixsellz, a free collection of 1000+ icons for popular graphic tools.
The icon designs are taken from Material Design and separated them into different style categories: Action, Alert, AV, Communication, Content, Device, Editor, File, Hardware, Image, Maps, Navigation, Notification, Places, Social and Toggle.
The icons is compatible with Sketch App, Figma, SVG, Invision Studio, Adobe XD and Photoshoop.
Scroll down for the preview and the download button.
Two Tone
Thanks to Pixsellz Team for creating this huge library icon set. Material Icons are free for everyone to use. Please don’t try to sell them.
Author: Pixsellz
Compatibility: Sketch App, Figma, SVG, Invision Studio, Adobe XD and Photoshoop.
Size: 17.6 MB
License: Free to use under Apache License, Version 2.0