26 Best Photoshop Tutorials of August 2013

Hi, we continue to give you the best Photoshop Tutorials of the month series. As a designer you always need to upgrade your photoshop skill by keep learning and get the inspiration from the other designer works. Previously we have share with you the best photoshop tutorials of July and June 2013. And for this series, we have pick for you 26 Best Photoshop Tutorials of August 2013 fresh from the oven.
In this series, we have typography design, 3d, making a poster, photo manipulation, gradients, illustration and more…We believe, these tutorials can enhance your designing skills and improve the quality of your works. If you have more great photoshop tutorials or any suggestions please share with us in the comment below.
Create a Realistic Underwater Scene in Photoshop
by Thiago Storino
This tutorial will explain how to create an Underwater scene in Photoshop using several stock photographs.
How To Make a Letterpress Texture Effect in Photoshop
by Chris Spooner
This tutorial will show you a quick and easy way to give your logos and typography that ink stamp style effect that originated from the old letterpress style printing technique.
Create a Summer Inspired 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
by Tony Aube
In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a summer inspired 3D text effect. In the process, you will learn how to use Photoshop’s 3D features to create the basic text shape and then combine it with various images in order to achieve a desired result.
Create a Thor-inspired text effect in Photoshop
by Alan Kim
In this article we’re going to create a text effect inspired by the Thor 2 movie.
Working with Types: Typography Design Tutorial for Beginners
by Rudolph Musngi
This typography design tutorial will guide you on how to transform boring texts to your advantage. You will learn how to utilize typography for your website, or even for your print needs. This article will extend from web page design, to printing to graphic images.
Create Unique Floating Rock Typography in Photoshop
by PSDVault
This tutorial will show you the process of Creating this Unique Floating Rock Typography in Photoshop. You will learn a number of brush tricks, image adjustment tips and practice your selection techniques.
Create a 3D Vintage Lightbulb Sign Using Illustrator, Cinema 4D, and Photoshop
by Peter Tarka
This tutorial will show you on how to create a vintage lightbulb sign using Adobe Illustrator to create and export the basic paths, Cinema 4D to create the 3D render, and Photoshop for post-production.
How To Make Folding Ruler Font Effect in Photoshop
by 4-Designer.com
I saw a folding ruler at home, and it inspired me to make the font style with the folding ruler effect. It is quite easier, and I hope you can add your own thought to the operation.
Font Label Maker in Photoshop
by PSDDude
This tutorial shows you how to create the punch type effect not only for text but also for any shape. So I really hope you will enjoy following this tutorial and creating your own customized tape font.
Comprehensive Guide to Working With Video in Photoshop – Animating Text
by Martin Perhiniak
In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Photoshop’s Timeline Panel to animate Type layers. Let’s get started!
How To Designing a Metallic Background
by Daniel Bryant
In this video tutorial, the metallic background pattern is created using the Color Halftone Pixelate filter and then adding layer styles and gradients. Hope it useful for you.
Create a Sticker in Photoshop
by PSDDude
This tutorial will teach you on how to create an easy sticker effect in Photoshop using non destructive smart objects.
Learn How To Make Photorealistic Price Tag In Photoshop
by Shaina
In this tutorial, we are going to create a very photo-realistic price tag in our very own Photoshop.
Create An Epic Fantasy Based Ancient Battleground
by Antaka Nguyen
In today’s detailed tutorial you’ll learn how to photo manipulate a fantasy battleground. You’ll work with cool lighting effects, some serious blending, and matte painting techniques.
Using Photoshop to Create Digital Gobos
by Mark S Johnson
A gobo is a physical template made from glass, metal, or plastic that can be slipped inside (or placed in front of) a light source to produce a bright or dark shape, such as simulated window light or a tree’s shadow. In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple, but elegant, window-shaped gobo.
The Process of Creating the “Ascending Spirit” Digital Art in Photoshop
by PSDVault
This intermediete tutorial, will show you the process of I used to create this ”Ascending Spirit” Photo Manipulation in Photoshop. Along the way, you will practice a number of photo manipulation techniques such as image adjustment, layer blending, texturing, as well as some brush painting skills.
Start Your Journey Into the Imaginative World of Matte Painting
by Santhosh Rao
Matte painting is a great skill for any creative to have. It’s a really effective way to learn skills like photo manipulation and blending, all whilst honing your ‘realism’ skills. In this tutorial, you’ll be creating this scenic, cinematic looking landscape, by combining a lot of different source files.
Create This Striking Fairy Tale Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
by Jarka Hrnčárková
This tutorial will show you techniques such as creating a breathtaking landscape from multiple photos, adding dramatic rays of light, and using foreground/middleground/background to create an interesting scene.
Create Intriguing Manipulation by Mixing Nature and Grunge Elements in Photoshop
by PSDVault
This tutorial will show you the process of creating this create an intriguing manipulation by mixing nature and grunge elements in Photoshop.
How to Create a Breathtakingly Artistic Winter Horse Illustration in Photoshop
by Dariusz Markiw
Learn how to create this amazing photo manipulation with a variety of blending techniques, custom brushes, and more. This intermediate-advanced tutorial also comes with its own set of raw ink splatter scans so that you can practice creating your own Photoshop brushes.
How to Create a Mountainous Matte Painting in Photoshop
by Jenny Le
This tutorial will show you how create our own mountain scene by arranging multiple stocks together and blending them correctly using layer masks and adjustment layers. You will also learn effective techniques for adding waterfalls and mist.
Make A Wolverine Movie Poster
by 4-Designer.com
This tutorial will show you a detail steps to create your own Wolverine movie poster using Photoshop.
How to Design a Retro Grunge Poster in Photoshop
by Rajni Setia
This tutorial will show you how to design a retro grunge poster using Adobe Photoshop. If you are a newbie and wish to create a stunning retro grunge poster then here’s the smart solution. Simply follow the steps listed below and see the results.
Make a 3D packaging mockup in Photoshop (Video)
by Rebecca Creger
In this video tutorial, we’re going to show you how to make a simple 3D mockup of a box in Photoshop.
How To Photoshop a Face Into a Banana Picture
by Aaron
Have you ever wondered if you can photoshop a person face into a picture without too much photoshop knowledge? In this funny photoshop tutorial for beginner, you will learn how to create banana sculptures with the help of Photoshop!
Photoshop New Ways with Gradient Effect
by 4-Designer.com
Have you noticed that the normally seen gradient effects lack novelty? Actually, just a little bit skills can achieve unexpected effects.