Five Web Design Trends That Will Continue in 2020

Web design isn’t a linear growing domain, various influences come and go. Somehow it’s logical, and the main reason of these permanent changes is the user. He is the one that decides the faith of web design movements. Some years ago, skeuomorphism was the main approach when designing websites- everything should look glossy and shiny and to perfectly imitate the reality.
You may accuse me of being a great fan of skeuomorphism which is true, but it has its special beauty. I don’t think that people hate skeuomorphism, I honestly think that they got bored with it. Instead, the Internet users fall in love with flat design – the opposite of skeuomorphism. Definitely, flat is wonderful, but surely in few years it will not impress so much the users that will ask for other kind of designs.
No matter our opinions, trends will determine the web designers to create according to what is hot at the moment. In spite of that, a cool design is timeless, it doesn’t matter that is minimalist, black and white or skeuomorphic- quality is trend insensitive. In conclusion, it is OK to design by taking into account the trends, but don’t design only to fit the trends.
2019 already passed, so the web designers started working to create better websites. Good design requires time, and many designers don’t have the luxury of reading about the latest trends. We, the team behind OmahPSD, are aware of this fact and we are trying our best to keep our readers updated.
Web Design Trends
As a result, we made a strong analysis of the trends existent in 2019 and we have predicted that some of them will continue in this year. Of course, everything is possible, but there is a weak chance of exposing wrong predictions. Definitely, a comment or an opinion from our readers will be a great reward for us!
Trend #1: Flat is the new cool
Flat design was the most used expression of the year for web design community and categorically won the dispute with skeuomorphic approach. Flatness won the “competition” not only because people were bored with skeuomorphism, but also because it’s extremely appealing.
Flat websites are simple and don’t disturb the user’s attention. Comparing with other alternatives, flat websites assure the most equilibrate report between usability and aesthetics.
Another huge advantage of flatness consists in the “good relationship” with responsiveness; it’s no surprise why, for so many of us, flat and responsive were “born” simultaneously! Check these examples and clearly, you will become a fan of flatness!!!
Mehdi Benyounes
Trend #2: Retina ready display will become mandatory
Apple makes famous the concept of retina display- letting down the manufacturer details, it means a way accurate displaying system for Apple devices. No doubt, it was a feature well marketed and appreciated by users. The result was obvious: the designers must create websites taking into account the retina display requirements.
In 2019, most certainly, this trend will continue even if many aspects aren’t fully resolved. The market share of iPads is impressive while iPhones are very popular, so there is no viable possibility of ignoring them. The next websites and WordPress themes are retina ready, these are wonderful, aren’t they?
Craft WordPress Theme
Pacific WordPress Theme
Flatible Singe Page WordPress Theme
Trend #3: App inspired websites
In the previous year, many designers & developers converted themselves into mobile applications creators. It’s a new market and the profits are pretty motivating. This fact determined a somehow funny situation: the mobile apps have the tendency to look like websites, while the websites “steal” many elements from mobile apps.
This trend will continue in 2014 and I honestly believe that it will last for many years. Much more, the modern web designer should have at least a superficial idea about the mobile app development. Yeah, willing or not, the statute of a web designer became more and more complex!
What do you think, are the next websites looking somehow similar to an app?
Sound Tree
Kelvin App
Trend #4: One single page websites
In 2013 the number of one single page websites grew in an exponential manner. In 2014 maybe it won’t have the same impressive growing rate, but one single page websites will be massively demanded by the clients.
These kinds of websites are highly appreciated by the users, but the designers knew that a single page website is a double side sword. It’s true that these are simple websites, so the designer doesn’t invest much resources and time into their construction.
In spite of that, in order to provide to the user all the information needed, a very detailed study is needed because there is the risk of creating an incomplete website.
I guess that you will impressed by the next one page websites. I am a big fan of them and I selected only the best ones!
The Pattern Library
Andrew Littmann
Trend #5: “Content before chrome”
It’s true that each year the design community claims that content is important, but I noticed that last year it really became primordial. It may be the influence of the Microsoft that coined the expression “content before chrome”, but anyway this movement will continue not only in 2014, but also for many years.
Designers understand that the layout is a support that delivers content. The value of the design is directly proportional with the degree of matching with the style of the content. In conclusion, the visual aspect must follow the written one!
Startup by Designmodo
Super Sync Sports by Chrome
Your Turn
I hope that this post will represent a useful resource for any reader. It’s very important for a designer to know which the new trends are, but a good designer knows the only trend that is applied in each project: the respect for the rules of beautiful design.
Yeah, the design has some simple rules that must be respected if you want to create something visually appealing. The next websites are some of the most beautiful released in 2013 and I believe that these will boost your motivation!
– Written by Daniel –