Create a Simple Media Player in Photoshop

Interested to create your own simple media player? In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a simple media player using Adobe Photoshop with the time estimation is only 30 minutes. Let’s get started!
Tutorial Assets
You’ll need the following icons from our Free Deira UI Kit, please download them before you begin.
Here, what you’ll be creating
1. Create the Canvas
Step 1
Create new file, Open menu ‘File’ -> ‘New’. Set Width: 800px, Height: 600px
Step 2
On the layer tab, choose ‘create new fill’ and choose ‘Solid Color’
Pick a solid colour to #293038
Step 3
Create the guide. Choose menu ‘View’ -> ‘New Guide’ and fill it with this:
- Vertical : 100px, 150px, 170px, 400px, 630px, 650px, 700px
- Horizontal : 100px, 250px, 300px, 420px, 430px, 445px, 460px, 470px, 500px
And it would look like this:
Then lock the guide
2. Create the Screen
Step 1
Create an object with ‘rectangle tool’ radius: 6px and color: #3E4955
Step 2
Convert the object to smart object with right click on the mouse at rectangle form and choose ‘Convert to Smart Object’.
For now, we finish with the screen. With this smart object we can add the picture later easily.
3. Create the player base
Step 1
First create new folder that will contain player element with click “create a new group” & give a name.
Step 2
Create an object with ‘rectangle tool’ radius:100px and color: #252E38
Step 3
Add Layer style with right click with mouse on the object player and choose “Blending Options”
And add this style
And here the result:
4. Create the button
Step 1
Create an object with ‘ellipse tool’ and color: #3B434C
Step 2
Add Layer style with right click with mouse on the object player and choose “Blending Options” & add this style
Here it would look like
Step 3
Add icon in the center of the button. The icon I used here is from our freebie “Deira UI Kit”. You can download it here.
Open the psd file and select ico-prev
At the top menu choose edit -> devine Custom shape. And give a name
Now your can find your icon in “custom shape”
Put the icon we create before to the button with color #1E252D
4. Duplicate the button
Step 1
Put these two object into one new group give a group name
Step 2
Duplicate the group and give another name. Right click with the mouse and choose “Duplicate Group”
Step 3
Delete the “prev icon” and change into “play icon” with color #FEF461
Step 4
Duplicate “bt-prev” group and give another name. and flip the icon
5. Create Playing Bar
Step 1
Step 1
First before we create the bar, we must add another guide again. Choose menu ‘View’ -> ‘New Guide’ and fill it with this:
- Vertical : 246px, 274px, 372px, 416px, 426px, 603px, 608px
- Horizontal: 440px, 450px
Step 2
Create a new group and give it a name
Step 3
Create an object with ‘rectangle tool’ radius:50px and color: #161B22
Step 4
Add Layer style
Step 5
Create an object with ‘rectangle tool’ radius:50px and color: #FF3C61
Step 6
Add Layer style
6. Create Data field
Step 1
Create a new group and give it a name
Step 2
Create an object with ‘rectangle tool’ radius:100px and color: #1E252D
Step 3
Add Layer style
Step 4
Add text with font “helvetica”, size “12pt” and color: #999999
Add another text
Here the result
7. Create volume icon
Step 1
Create volume icon with custom shape and color: #FCF66B
8. Change the screen image
Step 1
Now we back to “smart object” shape that we made before. double click on the thumbnail and add your picture there
Step 2
Now we will create curved corners on the image you put before. first select your image and with [ctrl]+left click on mouse at “shape 1” and then click “add vector mask”
Then save it. here the result
9. Add Play icon
Step 1
And the last thing now is to put play icon at center of the screen with custom shape and color #FFFFFF. Then change the “Opacity” this layer to 50%.
And here is our final result:
Your Turn
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and will try to apply some new techiques from this tutorial on your web design project. Did you find this tutorial is difficult to follow? Or maybe you have any suggestions? Don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comment below.
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– Written by R. Yahya –