Top 25 Photoshop Tutorials of September 2013

Here are our selection of the best Photoshop Tutorials from September 2013. I believe by keep learning and get the inspiration from the other designer works you can enhance your designing skills and improve the quality of your works.
This month we have web elements design, photo manipulation, photoshop basics, how to draw, text effect, poster design and more…If you have more great tutorials or any suggestions please share with us in the comment below. Also check our previous Best Photoshop Tutorials collection.
Create an Abstract Geometric Background with AI & PS
by Chris Spooner
This tutorial explains the process of creating a trendy chevron background pattern using Illustrator’s vector shape tools. We’ll then take the design over to Photoshop to add some extra polish and really bring the pattern to life with subtle gradients and texture effects.
How To Design a Simple Login Form in Photoshop
by Yahya
In this photoshop tutorial, I’ll show you how to design a simple login form interface. I’ll be using a combination of vector shapes and layer styles. Let’s get started!
Draw Realistic Compact Cassette in Illustrator and Photoshop
by PSDVault
In this tutorial, we will combine the power of pixel editing in Photoshop and vector drawing in Illustrator to draw a realistic compact cassette.
Create a Clueless Racecar Driver Illustration in Photoshop
by Oscar Ramos
In this tutorial, we will explain how to properly control all the elements of a composition including color balance, contrast, textures, and more, as well as all of the tools and techniques that you will need to know in Photoshop to build a highly entertaining and detailed caricature illustration. Let’s get started!
Create a “Kick-Ass” Fan Art
by Sheridan Johns
In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an illustration of “Hit Girl,” from the new “Kick Ass” film. In the process, we will show you some simple techniques to help you improve your digital illustration skills and give your artwork an almost comic-like edge. Let’s get started!
Create 3D Rubber and Glass Text in Photoshop CS6
by Rose
In this tutorial, we will explain how to use the vector editing and 3D capabilities of Photoshop to create rubber and glass 3D text. In the process, we will show you how to create the materials, modify the lighting, render the scene, and finally, how to enhance the color of the final result. Let’s get started!
Eraser Photoshop Text Effect
by PSDDude
This is a perfect Back to School inspired text effect tutorial that you might want to try. This is part of a series of tutorials dedicated to school theme.
Create Fresh Fruit 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
by PSDVault
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the process of creating fresh fruit 3D text effect in Photoshop. You will learn a few trick to render a nice and unique 3D text effect and apply various fruits around it. We will use a number filter to add some extra effect for our text.
Notebook Paper Text Photoshop Tutorial
by PSDDude
This is a back to school Photoshop tutorial that you can use to create truly unique text effects using your own name for example.
Dramatic Shadows in Photoshop CC
by Abduzeedo
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a design with beautiful and dramatic shadows using the 3D in Photoshop CC. The process is very straightforward and it will take you less than 1 hour to achieve the same result.
Comics Text Photoshop Tutorial
by PSDDude
In today’s tutorial I will show you how to create an interesting comics text effect using some simple layer styles. You can use any comics font, any color theme you want and you will obtain for sure cool results.
The Easy Way to Create Pixel Art with Object Mosaic
by Chris Spooner
Today I’m going to show you how to cheat and make use of Illustrator’s Object Mosaic feature to create cool 16-bit style pixel art the easy way, allowing you to quickly produce retro style sprite graphics for your designs and artworks.
How to Quickly Isolate Product Photos Onto White Backgrounds Using Lightroom and Photoshop
by Grant Friedma
In this tutorial, I wanted to share the workflow that I have developed for quickly shooting, and retouching images using a combination of Photoshop and Lightroom. Let’s get started!
Add Dramatic Rain to a Photo in Photoshop
by Tony Aube
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to add a dramatic rain effect to a photo in Photoshop. While rain effects are not new to Photoshop, we will go a step further and show how to make the image more photorealistic by adding reflections and small puddles. Let’s get started!
Create a Delicious Print Ad Using Photo Manipulation Techniques in Photoshop
by Stephen Petrany
In this tutorial, we will continue to develop a character concept from a Cgtuts+ tutorial by Nacho Riesco and show you how to create a print ad by combining photo manipulation techniques with some renders from another tutorial. Let’s get started!
Multi-Exposure Masking with Photoshop and Lightroom
by Martin Perhiniak
In this tutorial, we will take a look at an interesting way to make the most of your Camera RAW photos using Lightroom and Photoshop using a technique that will allow you to precisely control the exposure of your photographs. Let’s get started!
How To Enhance a Photo with Color & Lighting Effects
by Chris Spooner
Applying colour casts, increasing the contrast and adding lighting effects can give an image an intense mood just like we see in magazines or on billboards.
Artistic Photo Manipulation with Cracked Face Effect in Photoshop
by PSDVault
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the process of creating this Artistic Photo Manipulation with Cracked Face Effect in Photoshop. We will practice a number of layer masking techniques and image adjustment tricks along the way, as well as applying some interesting filter effect to our image.
Create Surreal Planetary Object in Photoshop
by PSDVault
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the process of creating this awesome looking, surreal planetary object in Photoshop. Along the way, we will use the 3D function in Photoshop CS6 to render the base sphere, as well as the use of clipping masks for applying the textures over the 3D render. We will use a number of selection tools and free transform tools during the process. Various layer blending modes will be applied to achieve the best result possible.
Create a Sci-Fi Racing Driver Scene (Using Innovative Photoshop Techniques)
by Dek Wid
The beauty of this tutorial is that the various source images we’re working with aren’t similar at all, but through some creativity and outside-the-box thinking you’ll learn how to turn a daytime scene into night, and rework a tractor/plastic toy into a believable sci-fi vehicle.
How to Create an Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
by Jarka Hrnárková
This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to blend images to create an apocalyptic scene and add flying meteors with premade Photoshop brushes. You’ll also learn several different ways to add lighting effects and create a strong atmosphere.
How to Create an Amazing Watercolor Artwork in Photoshop
by Jenny Le
This tutorial will show you how to combine stock photos and splatter brushes together, apply textures, and more.
Create This Gorgeous Moonlight Poster of a Girl Walking on a Railway
by Fabrizio Panatton
This tutorial will teach you many great Photoshop techniques such as how to easily mask complex objects using channels, create your own astrophotography-like skies, and add surreal colors to the whole image.
3 Minutes to Make a Hairy Ball
by 4 Designer
In this tutorial, you’ll see it’s very easy to make your own hairy ball.
10 Things You Must Know About Photoshop Brushes
by Martin Perhiniak
In this tutorial, we will cover the 10 most important things you must know about them. These tips cover several features including basic controls, keyboard shortcuts, brush settings, shape dynamics, scattering, turning images into brushes, and so much more. Let’s get started!