Tag: ecommerce

5 Strategies to Boost Sales for Your E-commerce Brand

E-commerce marketing involves the advertising and selling of your products or services over the internet through various channels and techniques. E-commerce marketing is crucial for online businesses as it has benefits such as targeting the right audience, enhancing brand recognition, driving traffic and sales, and promoting customer loyalty in the long run. For any e-commerce business, increasing sales is the key to growth, and here…

Top Tips for Creating a High-Performance E-commerce Business

Few forms of business have enjoyed the recent and ongoing success of the e-commerce sector. From humble beginnings in 1979 (the first ever commercial transaction online was the sale of a Sting album from a company called Netmarket), the industry has flourished and is now a major contributor to global GDP. In 2024, the estimated global retail market for e-commerce is expected to exceed $6.3…

The Best Way to Write Shopify Descriptions Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Writing top-notch product descriptions is indispensable if you want to see improved engagement and more people talking about your stuff. The text you use in the descriptions should cover all the possible aspects of the product so that a user does not remain in the middle of nowhere. The best thing you can do in this regard is to put yourself in the visitor’s shoes…

WooCommerce vs Shopify: The Ultimate Comparison (2023)

Two Popular eCommerce Platforms, WooCommerce and Shopify, have been broadly used by merchants to establish their online stores on marketplaces. These platforms offer dropshipping abilities and integrate seamlessly with payment gateways to ensure comfy transactions on websites. This blog aims to evaluate the pros and cons of using WooCommerce vs. Shopify, popular e-commerce platforms, considering various factors that could help Merchants make an informed selection…

What is Cost-Per-Click (CPC) for eCommerce Advertising

CPC (cost per click) is known as an eCommerce marketing metric that calculates the amount of money that an advertiser pays for each PPC marketing campaign. The paid advertisements are always considered a growth driver for most businesses, and they’re essential to monitor pay per click and maintain the return on investment (ROI). If you’re trying to work out the Cost per Click of an…

What Type Of Resistance Are Stopping eCommerce To Grow In 2021

Since e-commerce has introduced it is surmounting a new level of success in the online business industry. Every possible retailer shop that is selling clothes, electric gadgets, food, general-grocery etc has switched their retail business to the online store or eCommerce themes Store. Everything is available online, you barely have to go outside to purchase things from retail stores. Conversely, every good thing has a…

How To Designing A Perfect WordPress eCommerce Website

In the present scenario, when websites aren’t even taking a complete hour to get developed, having a fully-functional e-commerce store isn’t a dream anymore. Thanks to WordPress eCommerce website, like WooCommerce, you can begin selling your products online to a wide range of audience very easily. Moreover, statistically, out of 1 million websites on the internet, WooCommerce is still maintaining its favorite position and has…

Product View Popup (PSD)

Today’s freebie is simple Product View template with popup style. You can use this template on your eCommerce web design or your blog that sell product. The design come with 2 layout styles: fullwidth image and image with sidebar.

Green ECO UI (PSD)

Today we are happy to announce our free high quality UI Kit for designers. Green ECO UI is web eCommerce user interface kit, which you can use to create your eCommerce website projects.